Test Inspire

VIPER next generation Test & Measurement solutions looking at Internet of Things wave

Test Inspire is specialized in designing high density PPMU, DPS, AWG and Digitizers. We have a deep understanding of overall available T&M technology and solutions. We take care of prototyping and industrialization of your solutions.
VIPER versatile and hierarchy core technology reduces development and verification time for new instrumentation design.
In characterization Labs the powerful highly integrated and scalable VIPER intercepts the needs of high density instrumentation for complex PMIc and SOICs, providing higher productivity, smaller foot print and lower Cost of Ownership.
In mass production Test Inspire VIPER based solutions, inspired by the Internet of Things IoT wave, can be remotely synchronized and triggered by any test equipment achieving optimal throughput.
With Test Inspire technology, Test engineers have the opportunity to design the most effective test solutions beyond Test Cell Configuration constrains, with enhanced Unit Per Hour (UPH) at the lowest Cost of Test (CoT) differentiating from their competition.
VIPER Test Inspire core technology is leveraging well established Test & Measurements (T&M) Open Standards like AXIe evolution of AdvancedTCA®, , PXIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) and LXI , the LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation.
VIPER enables innovative test solutions and system integration for characterization test benches and mass production test cells.
VIPER technology is the response to flexibility and customization combined with standardization.
SW tools, calibration and diagnostics are embedded in VIPER and completely independent by any test subsystem.
VIPER portable solutions can be shared between different test setups and backwards compatible with released applications.

Test Options Technology
324 Configurable Channels
DPS/PPMU -1 to 5V @ 256mA
Dpin -1 to 5V @ 50MB/s
LYNX Digitizer
32 Channels
14 bits
16MSamples memory
2 Ranges
Reference Design: Four Quadrant VI
6 Channels four Quadrant VI
5ua to 1.0 A 7 current ranges
-7V to +36V 3 voltage ranges
Prog. Current/Voltage

Design Framework
6Test Options per VIPER
From single slot case to 14
400watt total power
Master and/or Slave configurable
Synchronization & Triggering
LAN, PCIe, USB connections
ATE SW drivers available
Standard and custom Signal Delivery technology
Powerful and scalable VIPER architecture gives the opportunity to design custom T&M modules based on your requirements